Managing Director and Officer in Effective Control
M: 0425 717 111
T: 9432 2544
As Managing Director of Darren Jones Estate Agents for over 30 years, and with a long involvement in the real estate industry, Darren Jones possesses an incredible wealth of knowledge and an expert understanding of the local area.
Darren realises how important it is to have a genuine service mentality, and to follow up promises with performance. A skilled negotiator, excellent communicator and polished auctioneer, he prides himself on his capacity to help clients and colleagues realise their goals. Evidenced not only by his long list of referrals and return clients, but also his services being retained by institutions such as Banyule Shire, the CFA and State Trustees with the sale of their properties.
A local resident for all of his life, Darren is married to Mandy with son Max and daughter Jessie who along with his sister Lynne, are all involved in the business.
Darren enjoys his spare time being involved in sporting activities and has a long relationship with many local sporting clubs.